Sharing Time, Talents and Treasures
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​Church Cleaning Team:
Teams of 4-5 people clean church weekly on a rotating schedule. The cleaning consists of vacuuming, dusting and general clean-up, and takes about 1 1/2 hours. Day and evening shifts are available. Contact Charlene Snyder (419-332-3498) or the Parish Office to volunteer.
St. Veronica Linen Ministry:
Volunteers pick up the Church Linens from the working sacristy drawers, wash and iron, and return to the sacristy on a monthly schedule.
Sacred Heart Development Fund:
A fund created to perpetuate, partially support and uphold the educational ministry of Sacred Heart. Funds given for this purpose are invested under the supervision of a board of trustees. The chairman is Mike Hartenstein.
Catholic Education Development Fund (CEDF):
An endowment fund that supports Catholic elementary and high schools in Sandusky County. For more information, contact Bishop Hoffman Catholic Schools (419-332-9947)