Mass Intentions
We offer the Mass for a specific intention because we believe in the immense spiritual value of the Holy Sacrifice of Mass. Mass intentions can be scheduled for those who have died, and on the occasion of a birthday, wedding anniversary, for healing, etc.
When you give offerings for Mass intentions, the Parish Office has limitations on accepting several intentions from a single person/family asking to do it on specific dates. We have to oblige to the needs of all the parishioners.
Please take into consideration that we cannot accommodate every request for weekend Masses. The Church is required to celebrate one Mass per weekend for the People of the Parish; therefore, we are limited to the number of Masses available on weekends.
Please see these guidelines for specifics. We appreciate your understanding and look forward to celebrating Mass for your intentions.
Mass intentions are scheduled on a “first-come, first-serve” basis.
A traditional offering is $10 per Mass, if one is able to make.
Mass intentions will be published each week in the Sunday bulletin and mentioned at the offered Mass.
It is preferred that Mass intentions be sent in by mail using the Mass Intention form. This form may be found online, in the narthex, or may be requested by calling the office. Completed forms, with offering (if able to make), may be dropped in the weekly collection basket or mailed to the Parish Office.
Mass intention requests will also be accepted by phone and in person at the office.
Mass requests will be granted as close to the requested date and time as possible. If it is not possible to comply with the primary request, the next closest date and time will be offered.
The recommendation of the Diocese of Toledo is that there be only two sponsors, or persons requesting the intention, per weekend Mass. However, each sponsor may include more than one name in their intention. Weekday Masses may only have one sponsor.
A sponsor may schedule 2 weekend Masses per year. Weekdays, although not limited, depend on timing and availability.
Mass intentions are annually reserved for: Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, All Souls Day, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, Holy Thursday and Easter Sunday.
Thank you for your desire to have a Mass(es) said in honor or memory of someone.
We appreciate your cooperation with our guidelines and are grateful to be able to offer this opportunity for our parishioners!