Anointing of the Sick
“Is anyone among you sick? He should summon the presbyters of the church, and they should pray over him and anoint him with oil in the name of the Lord, the prayer of faith will save the sick person, and the Lord will raise him up. If he has committed any sins, he will be forgiven.” James 5:14-16
Appointments may be scheduled by
contacting the Parish Office

How can we decide if we should ask to be anointed?
A reasonably sure judgment is sufficient for deciding on the seriousness of an illness. For example: A sick person may be anointed before surgery, whether or not a serious illness is the reason for the surgery. Elderly people may be anointed if they have become notably weakened even though no serious illness is present. Sick children may be anointed if they have sufficient use of reason to be strengthened by this Sacrament. If you are still unsure, when in doubt, ask Father!
How is this sacrament celebrated?
The celebration of this sacrament consists essentially in an anointing with oil which may be blessed by the bishop. The anointing is on the forehead and on the hands of the sick person accompanied by the prayer of the priest who asks for the special grace of this sacrament.
What are the effects of this sacrament?
This sacrament confers a special grace which unites the sick person more intimately to the Passion of Christ for his good and for the good of all the Church. It gives comfort, peace, courage, and even the forgiveness of sins if the sick person is not able to make a confession. Sometimes, if it is the will of God, this sacrament even brings about the restoration of physical health. In any case this Anointing prepares the sick person for the journey to the Father’s House.
Does a person have to be dying to receive this
No. The Catechism says, "The anointing of the sick is not a Sacrament for those
only who are at the point of death. Hence, as soon as anyone of the faithful begins
to be in danger of death from sickness or old age, the fitting time for him to receive
this sacrament has certainly already arrived" (CCC 1514).
How Can I Schedule an Anointing?
During ordinary business hours, just call the Parish office 419-332-7339 and speak
with the secretary.