Adult Choir
(Parish and Funeral)
Parish Choir
Adult Parish Choir: Begins Tues., Sept. 10 at 6:30 PM
Enhances the liturgy and encourages congregational singing by leading songs and responses at the Sunday 8:00 AM Mass and at certain liturgies through the year. The group practices every Tuesday from 6:30 PM-8:00 PM.
No experience needed - just a love of singing and praising God. All are welcome! Contact: Tracey Boulware 419-332-7339 (Ext. 105)

Funeral Choir
Supports the bereaved family at a funeral by singing the hymns the family selected to celebrate the life of the deceased loved one. Contact: Tracey Boulware 419-332-7339 (Ext. 105)
Christmas Choir
Rehearsals will usually begin in November and are held on Tuesday evenings after regular choir practice - from 7:15 PM to
8:00 PM
If you love singing but can't commit to Choir year-round, this is a wonderful way for you to share your gifts and celebrate the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ!
Easter Choir
Rehearsals will usually begin in February and are held on Tuesday evenings after regular choir practice - from 7:15 PM to
8:00 PM
If you love singing but can't commit to Choir year-round, this is a wonderful way for you to share your gifts and celebrate the Risen Christ!