ACTS Council
ACTS, simply put is a ministry offered to Sacred Heart parishioners to help build Parish community and our personal relationship with Jesus.
In 2019 an ACTS Council was commissioned at Sacred Heart Parish, that consist of 12 - 15 voting members who are registered adult parishioners elected to serve their Parish Community as the stewards of ACTS. In 2020 the number of members was reduced to 10. The two main functions of the ACTS council:
To facilitate ACTS Retreats as an evangelization tool for the benefit of the Parish. These retreats promote intentional discipleship and build parish community through a personal encounter with Jesus Christ.
To invite Retreat attendees to go forth beyond the ACTS retreat experience by continuing their journey with and to Jesus Christ through active participation in the Parish community.
ACTS Council meetings are open to all parishioners. For questions about attending, please contact Paulene Steinberger at psteinberger@sacredheart-fremont.org